The Inspire Philosophy: Plants in Play 🌿

Whether you have walked around our nursery on your tour or you see it everyday during drop off and pick up, one thing will be very evident: We love plants!

Plants are not only an essential part of our eco-system and it is important that we educate children on how to care for them and understand them.

They provide the perfect opportunity to learn about growth, self-care, insects, the world, what is in it and how it works!

It creates a sense of wonder in children and encourages them to look around the world around them for magic in nature.

The way the bees cover themselves in pollen and bounce from plant to plant, how birds pick up fallen twigs to make their nests, why trees grow tall towards the sun.

So get out there, explore and discover! #theinspirephilosophy

As an eco nursery in Dubai who has been established in Jumeirah for the last 30 years, we are honored to welcome the next generation of students into the Kid’s Island Nursery in Jumeirah family and it is rewarding to hear parents say “I remember what it felt like when I experienced this at the nursery for the first time”.  It is important to cherish your warm childhood memories and even more important to create new ones with your child.