The Inspire Philosophy: Adventure is out there!
In the EYFS space, there is a lot of talk about ‘risky’ play. We prefer the term ‘adventurous’ play and here’s why we LOVE it!
Adventurous play is a key aspect of early years education; children being able to push their boundaries, step out of their comfort zone and try new things is all part of growing up. Sometimes, this means trial and error!
As children hit that two year mark, they will start to pick up the speed and take advantage of their newfound balance, coordination and movement abilities. This should be celebrated and it is important you give children the space they need both physically AND emotionally to explore.
A scrape on the knee or stubbed toe is going to happen to your child whether you keep them in a bubble or not. Children will be children, after all! They see what they want and go get it, without fear or overthinking it and we think that is a truly magical thing.
Children will only push themselves as far as they are developmentally ready to go, it just takes a lot of repetition, time and patience to get it right sometimes.
Support from afar, give them the room and watch them grow before your very eyes! They will thank you for it.